sharp pitch | add is to the note name. |
flat pitch | add es to the note name. |
double sharp pitch | add isis to the note name. |
double flat pitch | add eses to the note name. |
half-sharp | add ih to the note name. |
half-flat | add eh to the note name. |
For example:
gisis1 gis g ges geses
Quarter tones — series of A’ with increasing pitches.
aeseh1 aes aeh a aih ais aisih
Accidentals are printed automatically, but you can also print them manually. A reminder accidental can be forced by adding an exclamation mark ! after the pitch. A cautionary accidental (i.e. within parentheses) can be forced by adding a question mark ? after the pitch. Both ! and ? can also be used to forced natural signs.
cis4 cis cis! cis? | c c c! c?