The following Scala installation steps are tested on my CrunchBang Linux 11 “Waldorf” machine.
- Java Environment Check:
Scala requires the Java runtime version 1.6 or later. So before you install Scala, first make sure that you Java environment is set up correctly.-
To test your Java runtime environment, type
java -version
at your command prompt and press ENTER. If your Java environment is set up correctly, you should see something like the following:~$ java -version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.3) (7u71-2.5.3-2~deb7u1) OpenJDK Client VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode, sharing)
Test to see that the Java compiler is properly installed. Type
javac -version
. You should see the compiler version if the compiler is found.~$ javac -version javac 1.7.0_65
To test your Java runtime environment, type
- Scala Setup:
- Download Scala from The version I downloaded is Scala 2.11.4. You can get the binaries in
, orzip
format depending on your preference and platform. I had chosen thetgz
format for my installation. - Unarchive the Scala binaries to a directory of your choice. I unachrive the downloaded file in my local
directory.~$ cd ~/bin ~/bin$ tar -zxvf ~/share/downloads/scala-2.11.4.tgz
At this point, you can Start the Scala interpreter (aka the “REPL”) by launching
from where it was unarchived, or tart the Scala compiler by launchingscalac
from the same location. - Set Path and Environment. For quick access, add
to your path. I do so by adding the following lines to the end of my~/.bashrc
file.export SCALA_HOME=~/bin/scala-2.11.4 export PATH=$PATH:$SCALA_HOME/bin
After this either open a new terminal window to activate the two new environmental variables, or reload your
script withsource ~/.bashrc
- Download Scala from The version I downloaded is Scala 2.11.4. You can get the binaries in
- Test Your Scala Installation:
Typescala -version
, andscalac -version
at the command prompt to test your Scala environment. You should see something like the following:~$ scala -version Scala code runner version 2.11.4 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL ~$ scalac -version Scala compiler version 2.11.4 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL
- Let’s try a simple command in the REPL. Invoke the REPL by typing
, and enter theprintln
command to say hello to your Scala installation. You can enter:help
to find out more about the commands available in the REPL. Type in:q
to quit the REPL when you are done.~$ scala Welcome to Scala version 2.11.4 (OpenJDK Client VM, Java 1.7.0_65). Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> println("Hello, Scala!") Hello, Scala! scala> :q ~$